Wednesday, 31 August 2011

My Song

Good morning everyone, sorry I haven't posted for a few days! Been very busy!

I was sitting playing my guitar yesterday playing other people's songs and I had a brainwave. Why don't I write my own song that I can play and sing along to? So i've been writing lots of lyrics about my memories/experiences/feelings to see what I can come up with. I think lyrics are the most important part of a song so I will be taking my time over it.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

More on my insurance

So I look for a number of different quotes today and the cheepest I can find for me is like £5500, what a worry!

Saturday, 27 August 2011


There are so many costs in this world you forget about! For example, all the different insurance! Travel Insurance in case something goes wrong on holiday.. Car insurance just so you can drive your car! Its silly!


So I finally made myself a blog to write all my thoughts down in :D